Class Response

          Throughout all of high school and middle school I don't think I ever looked forward to going to an English class as much as I looked forward to going to these classes. I felt that every class everyone was included and there was an obvious care for the course and professor from everyone in the class. I generally enjoyed the energy of all the classes and I was able to stay intrigued throughout the whole class time. I really liked all of the class involvement throughout the course of the year and getting everyone involved as well as the openness of the course.
          I very much enjoyed all of the fishbowls we had done throughout the course of the year. The fishbowls made me feel like if I had something that i wanted to say that I could say it and there will be some way that it could start a whole other discussion by other people adding on to the thought that was presented. I liked all of the subjects that were brought up in the the fishbowls as well as how everyone had a say in the direction of where the fishbowl was going to go. I felt like during every fishbowl we had multiple chances to put our own input in and we had chances to direct the class.

         One of my personal favorite things we did was the workshops and panel discussions. I enjoyed the interaction with the rest of the class and getting to know most of my classmates a little bit better. I felt like all of the panel discussions were interesting and that the topics we were writing about were all interesting. I also enjoyed hearing what all of the other groups had come up with for their panel discussions.


  1. Great Work Zach! Your portfolio looks great! Continue to Strive! I am thrilled you loved the class!


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