Finding a love for someone (PUB #4)

          There are many parallels that can be drawn between all poems and music.  There are even many musicians that even consider themselves to be poets because the two are so similar. Many songs have things such as rhyme schemes as well as similar flows to poems. Many songs have the same tone and themes as different poems. One theme that can be taken from them is someone trying to find their love as well as a more solemn tone all across.

          First, there is a song called “The Lonesome Rider” by the band Volbeat. Although the name of the song may not give it away, the song is about finding someone’s loved one. In the song the one known as the “lonesome rider” is assumed to be someone who died in a war and is now searching for his loved one in the afterlife. The rider refunding his love can be found in the lines that read “The day has now come where we belong together again farewell so long” (Volbeat). The song is conveying that the singer has now found his love again and that they will once again together with each other forever. The line in the beginning of the song and end of the song also tell a lot of the journey that this “lonesome rider” had taken to find his loved one. One of the first lines being “I am the lonesome rider hear the lonesome rider's call home” (Volbeat) and the last reading “I was the lonesome rider and the lonesome rider is home” (Volbeat). The transition from the words “am the lonesome rider” to “was the lonesome rider” can show how he has now found his love again.

          Next, a similar theme of finding love can be applied to he poem [To find a kiss of yours] by Frederico García Lorca. In the poem the poet is talking about what he would give to be able to get a kiss from this one person. In the poem Lorca says “what I would give a kiss that strayed from your lips dead to love” (Lorca). The poet shows his desire to find this person and obtain just one kiss from them. Lorca goes on to explain some of the things that he would give just to get one kiss from this person who can be assumed to no longer be alive. Similar, the poem The Dream by Winifred M. Letts has a similar theme of finding their love. In this poem Letts talks about how often he dreamed about the love of this other person before he is about to die. Describing the love that the person would give the poet writes "The kind warm lights of home and love and you." (Letts). The poet uses such language to describe how he thinks it would be if the person he wanted would accept and love him.

        The solemn tone of death or someone dying is apparent in the two poems as well as the song. There is also a shared theme of finding someones love across the poems and song as well. There can be many general and even specific parallels made between poems and music. In many cases all a poem needs is a beat to be considered a song.

Work Cited: 
Volbeat. “Lonesome Rider.” Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies, Universal Music Domestic Rock/Urban.

García Lorca, Frederico and Arvio, Sarah, translator. [To find a kiss of yours], 2017

Letts, Winifred. "The Dream", 1916
